Welcome to the pages of our two books:
The complete unlocking of the Revelation and the knowledge of the future, through the prophecies of the saints,
a priceless gift of light and knowledge from Greece to modern humanity.          


The book <<<THE FLYING EAGLE>>> presents
for the first time in history
the complete decoding, the complete unlocking,
the opening and interpretation
of the entire John's Revelation.
The book that brings surprise, shock and awe to humanity and the book which the Revelation itself
predicts, prophesizes and indicates in a miraculous way.



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The book <<<THE WARNING>>> presents
the plan and the  timeframe
of the imminent coming third world war
through 18 verified and inter-completed
ancient and new prophecies of Saints.
The prophecies of Saint Tarasius and General Makrigiannis are decoded and unlocked here for the first time indicating to us the year 2012-2013.

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